A questionable decision
Day 4: Moved me in to my dorm, got lunch, went to Whole Foods, went to KMart. Took Dad to train station. Went to required hall meeting, and after hours trip to Bed Bath and Beyond for student discount.
So, is it really surprising that on my first day alone in the city I felt overwhelmingly, ambition-crushingly, pure, straight-up, tired? I just had nothing in me. I read almost an entire novel (The Painted Veil, which I'll finish before bed), and sort of puttered around while the Verizon people came to hook up our cable/internet. I went to the bank and the drugstore. I worked myself up enough energy to go get a sandwich at lunch time (vegetarian chicken dijon with collard green roll from Red Bamboo), and swung by Whole Foods again for dinner supplies.
I felt like I should be out seeing and doing all there is to see and do. There's certainly a ton that I haven't even begun to touch. But instead I watched last night's episode of True Blood, and I have every intention of spending the balance of my evening catching up on The Daily Show. Tomorrow I hope to have recovered my pep, and I have the orientation/meet and greet for my major. More excitement to come!